Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sub-Rosa Subway - Klaatu (Beatles stuff)

I've had a few people email me about the Klaatu-Beatles stuff. It was intense, but very brief when it did happen way back in 1976 or 77. A bit like the Paul Is Dead story with the Beatles, people looked for "Klaatu clues" everywhere.  This song, also off their first album, featured as "evidence".

I think there were at least 2 reasons:

  1. It does sound a bit like Paul singing and the whole tune has a Beatle-like feel to it (story-in-a-song, production, instrumentation) Plus the bass-playing at the start is a bit Macca-ish.
  2. The title. Sub-Rosa means secret and Paul had an album called Red Rose Speedway, so a play on words or hint?  Or maybe a joke or coincidence...

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