Monday, February 21, 2011

Porpoise Song -The Monkees

I am a huge Monkees fan. Can't quite recall the TV show first time around. Even I'm too young for that. But their Daydream Believer was one of the very first songs I remember hearing on the radio.

Now, as they were a manufactured group, most of their songs were up-beat, pure pop, provided for them to record. As they started to rebel, they not only started doing their own tunes, but more experimental ones from other artists.

This is a haunting, magnificent song, provided to them by Carole King. Yes that Carole King who feels the earth move under her feet. It's 1968 and so we are really towards the end of the (first) Monkees era. Very psychedelic and surreal lyrics, with orchestration to boot.

And a bonus of the fairly rare original Demo tape that Carole made. It even has Latin chanting in it!  Quality of the recording is not that good, but for we fans it's a marvel.

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