Tuesday, February 15, 2011

November Spawned A Monster - Morrissey

Can't remember where or when I first heard this song. I know it was years, or even a decade, after the original 1990 release date.

I totally missed the whole Smiths thing from the UK, but this solo effort from Morrissey is intriguing. Probably best for Wikipedia to provide an overview

The song tackles the plight of the disabled, a remarkable subject matter for a pop single. As ever with Morrissey the tone and sentiments are riddled with ambiguity. His use of words such as 'monster' and 'twisted' creates a strange mix of revulsion, sympathy and black comedy, all used to enlighten, and disturb, the audience. By forcing the ambivalent persona of tormentor and saviour, Morrissey forces the listener to confront their own prejudices head on.

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