Thursday, August 11, 2011

Breathe With Me Till Dawn - FuTuRo

One of the first mashups I heard. And what a beauty. Mashups are created by taking 2 or more original recordings and digitally merging them into a 'new' song. It really wouldn't have been possible in the days of tapes (analog) because chances are the 2 songs weren't the same speed nor key/pitch. So if you slowed one tape down - to match the other one's speed -  you'd drop its pitch.  And vice versa. You'd be chasing your tail.

At this point an interruption and shout-out to Mr Lee Simon. My memory is that Lee did create an analog mashup back in the 1970s on radio 3XY. Linda Ronstadt had done a cover of Elvis's Love Me Tender. The 2 records were pretty much in the same key and same speed. So he could merge them! It was excellent.

Today you can digitally slow a song down and NOT adjust its pitch. Thus creative people can merge two of my favourite songs, like Breathe (Pink Floyd) and Stay With Me Till Dawn (Judie Tzuke). Two slow, lovely songs that you'd think wouldn't 'work' together. But boy, do they. Judge for yourself:

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