Friday, April 29, 2011

Zoot Suit Riot - Cherry Poppin' Daddies

I first heard this 1990's swinging wonder on ABC 774's breakfast radio a few years ago.  Based on the audio-only, I thought the lead singer was our own Paul McDermott (DAAS, Good News Week etc), but nope. They are a USA outfit, from Oregon way.

I also remember hearing later that they were part of a late 90's big-band, swing revival.  Wow. It must have been local and/or short lived as I would have jumped on board. Always liked swing. One of the first CDs I bought was In The Digital Mood; Glenn Millers original band recorded afresh in the 80s in "pure digital."

As for the CPDs (naughty name), get your dancing trousers on and dig this.

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