Friday, April 29, 2011

Zoot Suit Riot - Cherry Poppin' Daddies

I first heard this 1990's swinging wonder on ABC 774's breakfast radio a few years ago.  Based on the audio-only, I thought the lead singer was our own Paul McDermott (DAAS, Good News Week etc), but nope. They are a USA outfit, from Oregon way.

I also remember hearing later that they were part of a late 90's big-band, swing revival.  Wow. It must have been local and/or short lived as I would have jumped on board. Always liked swing. One of the first CDs I bought was In The Digital Mood; Glenn Millers original band recorded afresh in the 80s in "pure digital."

As for the CPDs (naughty name), get your dancing trousers on and dig this.

Boys Will Be Boys - Taste

Ahh, to be back in the mid 1970s again. These local lads came to my school to do a lunchtime gig. Probably 76 or 77.  As I was telling someone today, they were in 3 classrooms, with the partitions removed. But still had amps, PA and speakers going from the floor to the roof.  Yes, it was loud.

This is probably my favourite song of theirs. Quality of audio pretty trying to track down a better one, but it's a bit of a rare song it seems.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cassandra - Sherbet

I was never caught up in the Sherbet v Skyhooks 'war' of the 1970s. You, apparently, had to pick which band you supported.  I honestly liked them both. 

A very early (1973) hit for Sherbet was this wonderful piece of melodic pop. I think I liked it at the time; was only 12. Not sure about the clip - the band aren't even in it. Ah well, plenty of other chances to see the satin and flares in other clips to follow. Meanwhile sit back and enjoy this sweet, marvellous song.