Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Opening chord to a Hard Days Night

It is probably the most famous - and argued about - opening chord in music history. It turns out that it's not one chord, but a band - plus their Producer - all playing different 'chords/notes'. I think these guys have it right (listen to audio clip at the end) - but they missed George Martin who added even more notes on a piano. As the clip says:

Electric 12 string (George H):  F chord, but with G on top and bottom strings, plus C on the 2nd bottom string (B)
Bass (Paul)  D note
Rhythm Guitar (John)  D sus 4 (F# becomes G)

Listen to the magic sound, right near the end, when they play all 3 at once. What a beauty, no wonder they sound excited at having nailed it :

I'm also sure I read that George H says he repeats his opening F (+G +G +C) chord at the end, but plays each note; arpeggio style.